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GeoMat Leaching System

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GeoMat was introduced in Wisconsin in 2017 by New Septic Solutions.


Over 4000 systems have been installed in Wisconsin.

The GeoMat is a 3 time patented product.

Flexible Installation

Can GeoMat change a mound or at-grade to an inground? Quite often the answer is YES.


Our GeoMat CRU files provide multiple design options for any application.


GeoMat utilizes the entire drain field from end-to-end and side-to-side every time it doses.


It combines shallow burial depth with even wastewater dispersal to achieve maximum oxygen transfer.

Onsite Consulting

We are available to walk you through the installation and servicing of our products. 

Contact Bob and request a quote today!

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How it works

GeoMat is a unique septic drain field system


Utilizes the entire drain field

GeoMat's shape combined with crushed plastic transmissive core inside the fabric disperses water evenly over the entire surface from end-to-end and side-to-side every time it doses.


In theory, pressurized systems utilize the entire drain field each time the pump runs. In reality, they do not because wastewater does not disperse far enough away from the point of contact to cover the entire width from side to side.


Relies on three parts of logic

  1. Anaerobic bacteria cannot exist in dry, well aerated soil.

  2. The amount of oxygen in air is 20,000 times greater than the amount of oxygen in water.

  3. Soil aeration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the soil pore space and the atmosphere. 


Maximum oxygen transfer

Combines shallow burial depth with even wastewater dispersal to achieve maximum oxygen transfer.


Reduced dose size combined with 12" of C33 sand allows water to travel quickly through the sand into the ground allowing soil time to dry.


Reduces waste and materials

  • Sections can be spliced together so there is no wasted material

  • Receives 2.0gpd/ft2

  • Reduces overall size and mound height

  • Saves sand & stone

Installation Gallery

We also require installing a pressure filter on all GeoMat systems utilizing a pump.

Dimensions: GeoMat is 39" wide x 1" high. It comes in a 100' long circular roll; a roll is 36" x 36" x 43" high; it weighs 70 pounds​

Creeping Failure

Systems failure is caused by a series of chain reactions

  1. The ground becomes saturated when it receives more water than the soil can absorb in a relatively short amount of time.

  2. Saturated ground causes the soil to become oxygen-starved.

  3. Saturated, oxygen-starved soil produces microscopic anaerobic bacteria, which do not require oxygen to reproduce and multiply.  

  4. The bacteria form a blackish, slimy layer of biological waste called biomat that covers the surface and sides of the drainfield.

  5. As long as the household continues to use water, the ground will remain saturated and the biomat will increase and cover a larger portion of the leachfield.

  6. Eventually, the entire field will become covered causing wastewater to surface above ground and/or backup into the house. This is commonly referred to as ‘creeping failure’.


Even disbursement and 12" of sand lowers BOD and TSS levels to achieve aerobic treatment standards (<30 Mg/L) and TSS (<30 Mg/L). These numbers were proven in stringent NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) testing.

Sara Hager, PhD

  • Instructor of Onsite Sewage Treatment Program - University of Minnesota

  • Minnesota Onsite Wastewater Association

  • National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association

  • NSF International Committee on Wastewater Treatment Systems.

Timed dosing configurations include an adjustable timer that controls pump rest interval and runtime to spread out the application of wastewater over time versus how it is generated in a home or facility.”


Utilizing timed dosing instead of demand dosing mitigates variations or peaks in wastewater flow. Peak flows from the dwelling are stored and then dosed to subsequent components evenly throughout the day. Timed dosing configurations are more commonly

found in systems that include advanced pretreatment devices or flow equalization.


All systems can benefit from time doses, as the naturally occurring microorganisms in the system prefer a more regular delivery of food. In addition, time dosing allows the soil treatment system to rest and re-aerate between doses that are uniformly applied.

Read full article 


Large volumes of wastewater generated in a short period of time can result in turbulence in the septic tank and reduced retention time, which can lead to solids plugging the effluent screen. Leaks and large parties are examples of such uses.

Read full article

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